Child support in Germany
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After the separation or divorce of their parents, children living in Germany can claim child support (Kindesunterhalt). Its amount is to be calculated after the Duesseldorf table (Düsseldorfer Tabelle). Children under 18 years of age, and children up to 21 years of age attending school, can always claim child support. It is to be paid by the parent the child/ren is not living at. Child benefit (Kindergeld) is a benefit by the state. It is limited up to 250 EUR a month per every child and paid to the parents until the children’s 18th birthday, afterwards it is paid directly to the child. Child benefit reduces the amount of child support.
A child can claim to child support in Germany if it matches one of the following conditions:
Child support has to be paid by the parent the child/ren is not living at. Child support is given by both parents though – the other one is the caregiving parent spending his or her support by giving food, house and clothes.
This said, the parent with a higher income is not automatically the one who owes child support. The child can also live at the house of the more wealthy parent while the parent of lesser income owes child support in money. If the caregiving parent is of a three times higher income than the other one, the child support owned by the other parent can be reduced.
The cash owing parent can though pay child support only if he or she can ensure his or her lifelihood (Selbstbehalt). If one’s relevant income is lower than
the child support does not need to be paid. Employed persons are allowed to keep more money for their personal needs, as motivation to go on with their jobs.
One’s relevant income though does not refer to any number on your payslips (Bruttoeinkommen/Nettoeinkommen). Instead, this factor has to be determinated before you can tell how much child support has to be paid. It is corresponding to your total salary (plus revenues of rent, sales etc.) minus
Knowing the relevant income, you now have a look on the Duesseldorf table (Düsseldorfer Tabelle). In there you find recognized recommendations how much child benefit has to be paid for children of different age groups.
If the cash owing parent can not pay his share of child support full or at all, the youth welfare office (Jugendamt) can make advance payments (Unterhaltsvorschuss) to children under 18 years. An application is needed for that. The youth welfare office will check the financial situation of the cash owing parent, too. In most of the cases, this parent will need to pay the money back to the Jugendamt.
If a parent owes child or spousal support to more than just one person, the law tells a hierarchy of 7 ranks saying who is to be supported first:
If there are children of an equal rank, the remaining money is equally divided among them.
As you could read, in Germany the Jugendamt can represent children’s rights to claim to child support. But not everyone wants this office to do so, may due a
As everything in life, there are here some pros and cons for both alternatives – having child support calculated by the Jugendamt or an attorney.
On the basis of which criteria can both services be compared?
Costs is a benefit of the Jugendamt. Actually. It is true that the Jugendamt does not charge the child or the representing parent for their work, no matter if you own a million EUR or just 1 EUR.
The thing is: The one owning just this 1 EUR does not have to pay anything for an attorney’s service either. Parents of less income can apply for a special legal aid (Beratungshilfe) to get themselves helped by an attorney’s service. The application is to be done at your local court (Amtsgericht).
Since everyone gets a free service by the Jugendamt – it takes a while until your file is through. Of course, also an attorney could be slow.
The thing is: You can easily change your choosen attorney. But unless you move out of your district, you cannot change the Jugendamt
If you have a feeling, or you even clearly see, that the calculation of the Jugendamt might be wrong, who is helping you? There is no doublecheck inside the Jugendamt.
Most people object to the calculation, reasoning it out and sending another calculation to the Jugendamt, operated by an attorney. If there still is no agreement after that, the file gets to the court. The cash owing parent then anyway needs an attorney, and it might be good then if one already got one.
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